The Baptising Vision of Education
The congregation of the Sisters of St.John the Baptist was founded in the year 1878 in Italy by St. Alfonso Maria Fusco for the education and instruction of orphans and needy children. Through the education ministry sisters are striving to form a well – integrated persons who will transform today’s society through being more human and just.
Fusco School is aiming at the total development of the children, namely physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, normal, social and cultural growth we motivate the students to build a better world through promotion of justice, peace, equality, solidarity and communion. A value – based education is the need of the day where – by our students are enabled to have a sense of direction and purpose in life.
St. Alfonso Maria Fusco, our founder seems to give voice to his deep educational concerns. He truly believed that the education of the child starts very early, in infancy. The mother has the sacred duty to inculcate sound and healthy principles in the heart and mind of the child. Our founder stresses on the importances of the role of the family in educating the child. The parents need to be with their children, to protect them from the dangers they meet in society to teach the advantages of a good and sound education enabling them to distinguish right from wrong.