“True education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.”
– Pope Francis
Rooted in a rich heritage of values based on the Baptistine tradition, the Fusco’s education follows the path shown by our founder Saint Alphonso Maria Fusco. Fusco’s schools across the globe are known for their educational excellence and are presently serving in eighteen countries.
The education ministry of Fusco’s has completed over 140 years. Taking into account the social reality of the time, Don Alfonso wanted to make education an instrument for the promotion and formation of his youth. In his didactic plan he emphasizes on scientific education, Christian formation and professional preparation. He started printing press with bookstore, technical training school for boys and girls, skilled based training, workshop for women and formal schools. He places his confidence in providence and would often repeat that “Divine Providence is the best bank”. During his canonization on October 16, 2016 Pope Francis addressed him as Educator and Protector of children and youth. We Baptistines dedicate ourselves principally to Education and to works related to education.
Fuscoites have made their mark in their respective fields and more importantly, they have become morally upright human beings, without forgetting the roots and strived to impart positive changes in the world.
I am very proud to acknowledge that Fusco’s School ICSE, Bangalore, stands out as a source of pride and blessing to all those who are associated with it.The dedicated and steadfast works of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist and the resolute commitment and hard work of the faculty and the staff, Fusco’s strives to instil in each child the ability to recognize oneself as a unique gift from God born with the will to power, inherent self-worth and potential self-actualisation. The school earnestly endeavours to bring up the students with the qualities of leadership and responsibility towards the society by providing ample opportunities for growth in the spheres of enhancing individual capabilities, inculcating moral values and imbibing the spirit to respect and serve others. Fusco’s school also nurtures to build a family atmosphere by facilitating interaction and collaboration among students, parents, faculty, staff and administration. It is indeed a home-away from home and we are a Fusco’s family.
Fusco’s commitment to educating students for the future is evident since its inception. It has kept strides on par with the ever changing educational scenario blending the vision of St. Alphonso Maria Fusco, who wished even his shadow might do good.
Emphasis is always on developing critical readers, effective writers, articulate speakers, logical thinkers through the integrated education. We also stress on extra-curricular and co-curricular programs in order to provide holistic education to each student.
Each child is facilitated to develop social conscience through works of charity and compassion in order to realize his/her potential so that they will become real catalysts of the society to bring change in the future. Each child is taught not to forget his/her roots and strive forward to become an effective member of the dynamic global society.
Fusco’s works hand- in-hand with parents to achieve the goals and parents play a vital role in the lives of their children. Their support and co-operation is always appreciable.
Taking one step at a time makes life much easier than always looking at the big picture. The years of our life do not arrive all at once; they greet us day by day. With the descent of each setting sun, we are able to rest our heads and let the world take care of itself for a while. We may rest assured throughout the night, knowing that the dawn will bring with it a chance to meet our lives anew, donning fresh perspectives and dream-inspired hopes. The Fuscoites are motivated to live life in this way: One day at a time! God Bless!